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Reservoi Riders Snowmbile Club Logo - Duluth, MN
Reservoir Riders Snowmobile Trail Shelter - Duluth, MN

Welcome to Reservoir Riders of Duluth

A Region 7 MNUSA Club responsible for trail maintenance and construction of the "Reservoir Lakes Trail" and its associated spur trails - connecting the MN DNR "North Shore Trail" to trails in Canyon, MN - with the main trail segment 52 miles long. We groom and maintain 94 miles of trail in total. We've been in existence since the 1980's. New family and business members welcome!

Reservoir Riders Snowmobile Group Photo

The Reservoir Riders Snowmobile Club encourages and promotes safety, education, and responsibility in the sport of snowmobiling.


Our Club House is located at:

5099 Fish Lake Road

Duluth, MN 55803



Regular Club Meetings:

Second Thursday of each month at the Club House

6:30 pm


Club Board Meetings:

Fourth Thursday of the month at the Club House

6:30 pm 

The Reservoir Riders Snowmobile Club encourages and promotes safety, education, and responsibility in the sport of snowmobiling.


Our Club House is located at:

5099 Fish Lake Road

Duluth, MN 55803



Regular Club Meetings:

Second Thursday of each month at the Club House

6:30 pm


Club Board Meetings:

Fourth Thursday of the month at the Club House

6:30 pm 

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